Sub 12/5/18 — Wednesday

French I Today: The primary crux of today is going to be re-doing your tests.  Man, those were bad.  I. Mean. Bad. I’m in a meeting today, so I’ll be near a computer.  Feel free to email me. I might be able to answer you. TO DO: Step 1 Go get your test from yesterday.  They are in stacks on my desk.  If you were not here, take a blank one. Step 2 Before we do anything with the tests, please review.  Go to the vocab quizlet site.  Study the flash card terms.  When you’re ready.  Play the matching game.  Write your fastest time on the front page of your test. Step 3 Go back over your test.  I graded some, others I just made corrections on.  I got to the point in grading them that I decided that I couldn’t couldn’t use them as they were.  Your major task is simple. Fix any mistakes on there AND explain in English why it was wrong.  (i.e. it is masculine, etc.).  If you hadn’t gotten to that question yet, you don’t need to explain it, just answer it. Feel free to use your notes.  YOU MAY NOT USE GOOGLE.  If anything […]

Sub work 10-16-18

Bonjour à tous! Here’s your work for today while I’m out. As it said on the board, you are expected to complete all of it.  No late work will be accepted.  Please take it seriously.  It is not just busy work.  While it’s not the exact lesson we’d be doing if I were here, it is very similar.  Again IT IS NOT JUST BUSY WORK. This can be done on a phone or the computer if you’d prefer it. Email me with any questions. Objective: Know: leisure activities Do: express what leisure activities we like to do. (click to read more)