So, here’s the deal. We are learning a new verb form. We did ER verbs last year, these are ER verbs.
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Here’s a sample RE verb: attendre.
Attendre is an example of all RE verbs. Go on to the next parts of the work to see more examples and to work more with RE verbs.
Go to Read the page and do the activities at the bottom. Keep doing them until you get at least a 90%
Take a break and watch this stupid video on a ninja cat, caught in an alley.
You’re welcome.
Here’s a list of common RE verbs:
attendre to wait (for)
défendre to defend
descendre to descend
entendre to hear
étendre to stretch
fondre to melt
pendre to hang, suspend
perdre to lose
prétendre to claim
rendre to give back, return
répandre to spread, scatter
répondre to answer
vendre to sell
You are now working as a guy/gal charged with finding people jobs. But not just anyone, you find jobs for old, washed-up cartoon and children’s show actors (like the Power Rangers) Using the RE and ER verbs, write a job description for 5 jobs to characters that you think they would like.
I.E. Scooby Do: Il travaille à l’hôpital. Il vend du café aux grandmères. Il rend du café aux médecins.
I kept it simple, but I got the point across that Scooby will now be working in a hospital cafe, selling coffee to grannies and doctors.
Good luck. You may look up one term for each job description in Google. Underline that term so I know what it was. Be creative, but keep it simple.