Class work 2-28-19


Know: Faire

Do: Talk about things that you do


Here’s what’s on it:

Top section: I show you three pictures, you need to tell me 2 sentences of weather for each one.

Middle: Faire — you’ll need to know the conjugation of it.  We’re going to practice it with the work today, but you will need to make sure you have the forms memorized.

Bottom: Comparative — you’ll need to write three comparative phrases (i.e. le pug est plus intelligent que M. A.).

To do today:

  1. Watch this video on faire:
  2. Go to this site and practice with the verb:

Make sure that you know forms of the verb (first 6 verbs on that list) inside and out.  The extra vocab is just to give you some extra vocab.  Practice with a neighbor.

3.  Get a floppy workbook from the top of the bookshelf near the window.

Do pages:

        • 198 Ex 1A
        • 199 Ex 3B
        • 200 Ex 4B
        • 206 Ex 13A
        • 207 Ex 14B
    • This seems like a lot.  It’s really not and it’ll get you ready for the quiz.
    • If you need help with faire, here’s the conjugation:
    • faire