Classwork 3-5-19


Know: Aller and Future Proche

Do: Answer questions about what we are going to do in the future.

To do today: (anything not turned in today will be a zero)

Have these things ready:

  1. Open a browser to
  2. Get a floppy white/blue workbook and open to page 85
  3. Write out a list of the forms of aller
    1. Je vais | Tu vas | Il/Elle va | Nous allons | Vous allez | Ils/elles vont

Watch this instructional video created by me:

If the video does not load, click here:

Here’s another version that might work:

If it still doesn’t load (I’m having a lot of problems testing it), email me.

To Do:

As described in the video, do these:

  1. p. 85 Act 10A
  2. p. 86 Act 11A
  3. p. 87 Act 12A
  4. p. 88 Act 13A

Finally, and on that same piece of paper, write out the five days of the work week:






Give me one thing that you are going to do and one thing that you are not going to do for each day.

Example: Lundi-  Je vais aller au cinéma. Je ne vais pas nager.

Here's a list of sample verbs to help you out with the last part. (Click for more)
  • aller au cinéma
  • sortir avec mes amis
  • jouer au (sport)
  • manger
  • chanter
  • danser