Classwork 5-3-19


Ok, so I wasn’t planning on being out today, nevertheless, you still should be able to complete today’s assignment.

So, behind my desk there are 4 plastic bins where I keep all my copies.  French II is the second one from the left.  In it, you’ll find copies of this document:  If you don’t feel like loading it, it says L’activité Physique des Français at the top and it’s an infographic.

Reach the document, answer the questions.

After you answer it, you’ll see that you need to make your own.  Write your own questions (in the same style and according to the directions.)  There’s blank white paper on top of the black file cabinet in the front of the room.

Don’t rush, make it look nice.  If you need more time for next time, I won’t be upset.  However, if you turn in crap or do nothing this time, it’s not going to go well for you.  The expectation is that you are working and working hard.

If you’ve been working hard and need time for revisit (being Friday) that’s understandable.  Don’t forget there’s a Duolingo due.  The assignment for that is on the poster. If you have trouble finding it, log into using the desktop in the back.