Classwork 5-3-19

Bonjour guys,

Yes, you’re still having the test today.  Calm down.

I gave directions to the sub as to how to find it.  You’ll have the whole period to work on it.  Once it’s passed out, turn immediately to the QUEL section.

I promised I was going to tell you the key word and if it’s masculine or feminine.

#8 key word — Documentaire — masculine

#9 key word — actrice — feminine

#10 key word — acteurs — masculine

As soon as you mark that on your paper, please put your phone away and get to work.  For the test there is no phone, notes, or book.  The sub knows this as well.

When you’re finished, put it in the bin.  Since it’s a test, it needs to be completed today.  If it’s not in there, it’s a zero.  Retakes will be a completely different assessment.

When you are finished, you may use the time for revisit.  Any work you need to make up should be placed in the bin.  Don’t forget you have a Duolingo due.  Details for that are on the poster.  If you have trouble finding the assignment, log in to the desktop machine and go to You’ll be able to find the assignments along the right side.