Fr3 Day-5


Click for more details.

Objective: Use all that we know so far to write a dating profile on ourselves.

Before I get to the work for today, I want you guys to turn in what you have done on Friday to me.  I’m assuming that we won’t be back at school, so we’ll have to turn it in digitally.

Here’s how:

If you wrote out your work:

  1. Make sure assignments are clearly labeled
  2. Scan it in using an scanner app (I use Adobe Scan)
    1. This will put everything into one big file.
  3. Share this one file with me (do not send me 6 different pics; I’ll get lost).
    1. You can either email it to me (
    2. Or submit a link to it here.

If you did your work digitally:

  1. Merge it into one file.
  2. Share this one file with me
    1. You can either email it to me (
    2. Or submit a link to it

Today’s Prompt:

You are filling out a dating profile on yourself. Use as much detail as you can (don’t be creepy about it — None of it has to be true.)


  • Basic information about yourself.
  • Your likes and dislikes.
  • A little about your school sitatuation (classes, teachers, likes, etc.)
  • Your opinion on sporting events as well as activities.
  • What you like to get at restaurants as well as your favorite restaurants.
  • Your movie and TV preferences.
  • A little about your family situation (use Passé Composé and imparfait to give some background)
  • Where you like to shop.
  • Describe your clothing style.
  • Where you live around town.
  • Tell of a recent adventure you and your friends recently did (using passé composé and imparfait) that’ll help your future partner identify your personality and style of activity.