Know: Restaurant Vocab
Do: Write a convo at a restaurant
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Getting Ready:
First of all, the “assessment” I said you were taking is today. It’ll be easy. First, you’ll need to get it. I think I have copies of it behind my desk. Here’s how to find it if the sub hasn’t already placed it out.
- Behind my desk on the second shelf are several bins with copies.
- French I is the bin on the left.
- You’re looking for a paper that has page 64 on it and has two sections, an A on the top and B on the bottom.
- It looks like this:
If you can’t find the paper, you can use that online image, it’s just a little harder to read. Just tap on it.
So here’s what to do today:
- Write out the convo on that paper. That’s your assessment. That’s it. No translator. You may use notes or the book.
- Open a book and pages 185-187.
- Answer the questions on pages 186-187 on the back of your assessment page.
- Put all work in the bin.