French II Sub work 11-8


Know: terms for house vocabulary

Do: Answer personal questions about your home

As always when I am out with a sub, I will not give you busy work. In fact, this lesson is the first that you’ll need to know for Unit 2.  You are expected to learn these terms and to complete the work. I will not be doing an extensive review.

To do:

  1. Your new vocab set it online.  learn them here:
  2. Once you think you know them, take the test.  Write your score on the top of a piece of paper.  Keep that paper for the next few activities.
  3. List what you do in the rooms of the house.
    1. For example:
      1. Dans le salle à manger, je mange.
      2. Dans le salle de séjour, je regarde la télé.
  4. Behind my desk are 4 bins with copies in them.  In the second one from the left is a paper labeled p. 112.  It has two parts to a conversation.  Write that conversation out on your paper.

Here are some words that may help you:

Helpful words:

Où – Where Chaque – every

Au fond – at the end Inviter – invite

À droite – on the right. À gauche – on the left.

Un cadeau – gift

5. Lastly, Watch this video and write down any words that you understand on that paper.

When you are finished, turn your work into the bin.  There will be no opportunity for late work today.