French III Sub

Know: Imparfait

Do: Understand a story written in imparfait

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Please read all the directions before starting so you don’t miss anything.

Today, we are finishing the book/packet that you started last time.  (For the record, yes, this is an honest to goodness French book.  It’s from northern Africa.)

Basically, get it out and start working on it.  Each page has questions on it. There is one thing to do on the very front page that asks you to go through the entire book and circle every imparfait word. Don’t miss that one.

If you need to look up a few words, that’s ok. DO NOT just translate the entire book.  Once you’ve gotten through the entire book and answered all the questions, give me a summary of what happened on the last page.

Important side note.  The book does NOT use passé composé as you’re used to it.  It uses a simplified form of passé composé called the passé simple.  It’s only ever used in writing.  So, if you see a word like “fut” that is weirdly placed, that’s passé simple.  Fut means “was.” There are other endings, like -a, -ent, etc.  Basically, if it’s not an imparfait ending, assume it’s this weird form of passé composé.  If you want to know more, read this.

Good luck.  Email me if you have any questions.