Know: Unit 2 Material
Do: Write an essay
To do today:
As you know, today is the day of your assessment. I’ll post the prompt below. Before I do, a few rules:
- You may use your notes, books, etc.
- You may not use people or Google/translators.
I am going to be EXTRA vigilant about translator use.
Since you are using your notes, I’m going to focus on structure and detail. Take the time, add detail, fluff, and get it right.
You’ve just been accepted to a local university. To match you with a roommate who matches your style, you are asked to describe your typical routine. How do you get up in the morning? Describe your routine in detail. Be sure to role play in your mind as best you can. Try to add in commands (imperative) and past tense, as possible.
When you are finished, turn your paper into the bin and find something quiet to work on.
Remember, you’re using your notes, so there should be plenty of detail (more than usual.) NO GOOGLE!
This should take you a large part of the period if you do it well.