Sub Work 1/28/19

French III

Objective: Tie up loose ends with Adlib stuff.

To do: (Click for more)


Practice your essential terms.  Go to

  1. Practice the flash cards
  2. Play the match game
  3. Play gravity
  4. Quiz your neighbor



Stéfanie needs to stand up and tell us all what’s in her lunch.  (Joking, don’t actually do that.)

No, you may not name Ciara’s car w/o me.

Seriously for the second thing, go through the black belt test link (practice) and practice. Get someone smart to help you if you are struggling.


Go through your adlib packets and fill in all the missing boxes up to and including jour 6.  There were a number of activities that we skimmed over.  Read the directions and do what it says. There should be no empty boxes from Jour 6 and forward.  We haven’t gotten to 7 and 8 yet, so don’t worry about them.


I’m assigning 50 XP in Duolingo.  Good luck!